Private Online Tours

Private online city tours LIVE

Do you have a family celebration or a company event and are you looking for a very special cultural program to entertain your guests? Then just book an individual »couch culture tour« with me!

Whether for the birthday of your great-aunt, who is the greatest Weimar friend far and ready, as a digital “hiking day” for your workforce or simply because your longing for Ilm-Athens is so great, but you simply cannot find the opportunity to come to us . Treat yourself to a break in the most beautiful place in the world and roam Weimar with me digitally!

Private online city tour LIVE

Walk through the old town of Weimar

Stroll with us through wintry Weimar and meet well-known personalities such as Goethe, Schiller, Wieland and Herder.

We walk past the Residenzschloss and the Duchess Anna Amalia Library to the residential houses of the Weimar prince poets, the city church of St. Peter & Paul and of course to the German National Theater with the famous monument that is right in front of it!


€ 150

Duration: 60 minutes

Private online city tour LIVE

Celebrities on the Ilm - Who lived where in Weimar?

It was not only since Duke Carl August brought Goethe to Weimar that the city developed into an attraction for many great minds from different epochs. Who were these people and where did they live?

We start our foray into the market, where the famous Renaissance house is located, in which Lucas Cranach lived, we pay Martin Luther and Johann Peter Eckermann a visit, before we finally visit the old privy councilor.


€ 150

Duration: 60 minutes

Private online city tour LIVE

The early Bauhaus and modernism in Weimar

Accompany me on the trail of the early Bauhaus and discover what was created in Weimar from 1919 to 1925, why the circle is blue and not red and what Mazdaznan is all about.

Based on the idea of the "New Weimar" and the foundation of the arts and crafts seminar, our tour begins at the Henry van de Velde buildings - and leads us across the park to the Tempelherrenhaus, the former studio of Johannes Itten.


€ 150

Duration: 60 minutes


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